The Government Degree College, Uravakonda has two NSS Units for inculcate Social Responsibility in students for become responsible citizen of India. These two units are working with 200 volunteers. The College has two NSS units. These two units are the assets of the CollegeThe aim of National Service Scheme is “Personality Development through Community Service”. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation, recognized that the country could not progress in a desired direction unless the student youth and teachers were motivatedto work fortheuplift ofthevillage.In this context thetwoNSSUnits inthecollege areconductsregularlymanycommunitiesserviceprogrammesfor personality development of the student to become a responsible citizen of India. The College NSS Units adopted two villages’ names Mopidi Village and Lathavaram Thanda. These two villages are very remote areas of Uravakonda Mandal.The people of these villages are very poor and backward in education, health and hygiene and engaged mostly with rural stigma.Even in thesevillages don’t have proper roads connection with Mandal headquarters. So, the two units are adopted these two villages for render their services. These two units conducted Special Camps for one weak in both villages.There the two units interacted with village sarpanch and villagers to know the needs of the villages. Then they conducted Clean and Green at temple premises, cleaning of road side thorny bushes, levelling of the roads, cleaning of mud from roads, drainage cleaning, school water tank cleaning, and plantation at schoolpremises, to create awareness among the villagers’ volunteers also conducted rallies on health and hygiene, to eradicate rural stigma conducted skit on child marriages. Somevolunteersareengagedinruralschooltocreateawareness among students about good touch and bad touch. The selfless services of NSS Volunteers highly appreciated by the Sarpanch and villagers.The NSS Volunteersalsogainconfidenceregarding problemsolvingability,getawareon social issues and got self-confidence. Mainly the NSS Units conduct regularly awareness programmes in the college to invite eminent personalities in different fields, conduct competitions among Volunteers and encourage them to participate in the institutional competitions, conduct clean and green in the campus and off the campus, Celebration of commorative days, Rallies on AIDS, Drug eradication, Environment protection, and conduct health camps and blood donation camps regularly. The NSS volunteers voluntarily donate blood during blood donation camps. If any emergency case the volunteers positively responded and donate blood for needy people.In collaboration with Police Department, Fire Department, Revenue Department and with other NGOs our Units participate and render their services for controlling the crowd, food distribution, hundi counting during local temple festivals and during the Elections. During Covid pandemic period the staff and NSS Volunteers distributed free food to orphans and needy people.3Vaccination Drives conducted successfully in the campus and also participated at local hospital during vaccination time and render services to control the crowd. Objectives